Day Retreat - Spring Cleaning

26apr8:00 am4:00 pmDay Retreat - Spring Cleaning

Event Details

Saturday April 26th 8am – 4pm
@ 7 Val D’Isere, Cantley

Yogis have developed special techniques to help the body to cleanse and detoxify. Some are more common such as the neti pot, and some less so, such as the abdominal churning (making a wave).
In this retreat, you will learn about and have the opportunity to practice five of the Shat kriyas, as well as have a full day of yoga. 

8am meet and introduce the day.
830am: Kriya demonstration and practice
930am: Gentle yoga class
10:30am: Brunch – Kitchari, easily digestible mung beans and rice, recommended after the kriya practice.
Brunch is followed by quiet time
12:00: Meditation Walk
1:30: Lecture
2:30: Yoga class
3:45: Closing
One needs to be properly prepared to practice the kriyas. It is important to have a healthy diet in the weeks prior, reducing and eliminating meat, sugar and caffeine. Ideally, also reduce other forms of food such as  social media/news and intense/violent shows and movies.
The kriya practices are not just physical but cleanse the pranamaya kosha, our energy sheath and can bring up and out strong emotions that we are ready to let go of. This is a lovely practice that needs to be entered into with respect and an open mind.
Please feel free to chat with me regarding the program.

Limit of 12 students

Investment: $150 plus hst $169.50 per person. 

You can register and pay on my website or preferable via email and e-transfer.



(Saturday) 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

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