Yoga Wisdom Talks

10nov01decYoga Wisdom Talks

Event Details

Join us for informative talks to discuss topics such as yoga’s power to transform through movement, philosophy, the meaning of common “yoga words,” and more.
We aim for yoga’s philosophy to be more accessible. So you can now explore the questions you’ve always wanted to ask – or haven’t thought of – with our Yoga Wisdom Talks.
Upcoming Yoga Wisdom Talks:
Thursday, November 10, 2022
5:45 pm – 7 pm
From Birth to Death
Exploration of the four life stages and the four great values in life. Identify each stage in life, how to be living it and how to balance the great values for healthy living based on your personal goals.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
5:45 pm – 7 pm
Consciousness and The Self – Who am I?
What is my level of consciousness or awareness? These are easy questions to ask, yet very hard to answer. A yogi has reached the goal when they are Self-Realized. Living in the highest state of consciousness, fully aware of the true self. Able to Answer the questions ‘Who am I?’ Let’s explore these concepts through the lens of the conscious, subconscious and super-conscious, as well as the vedantic idea of the Self.
Thursday, November 24, 2022
5:45 pm – 7 pm
Maya, The Veil of Illusion
How is it that two people can participate in the same event yet have completely separate experiences? Our habits, emotions, patterns all filter our experiences and bring about a veil of illusion called Maya. Understanding Maya and how to see through it brings clarity and peace to daily life.
Thursday, December 1, 2022
5:45 pm – 7 pm
From Karma to Dharma
Dharma is duty. It is transforming your karma into an unselfish duty.‘ Swami Sita. Let us explore where we are in life, accept being here and how, through our actions, we can use it as an opportunity for spiritual growth.
Cost: $40.00 per person or sign up for all four (4) Yoga Wisdom Talks for $130.00 per person.
Location: PranaShanti Education Centre, 45 Eccles Street (Chinatown) Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6S3.



November 10 (Thursday) 5:45 pm - December 1 (Thursday) 7:00 pm

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